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Cookie policy

The table on this page details the cookies used on this website and their purpose.


Cookies used on this website
Cookie name Purpose
om_consent This is an essential cookie used to store your cookie selection when first visiting the website. Your preference will be stored for 28 days after your first visit. You may clear your browser's cache and the website will re-prompt you to make a selection.
Expiry Category Provider Location
28 days Essential Isle of Anglesey County Council Internal
om_statistics If selected, this cookie will store and check your preference for allowing the website to collect statistical data about how you use the website. It allows cookies from the statistical category below to be loaded.
Expiry Category Provider Location
28 days Essential Isle of Anglesey County Council Internal
AWS_ This cookie is managed by our service provider, Zengenti Ltd and Amazon Web Services. It is used for server load balancing for optimal delivery of web content. No personal information is stored.
Expiry Category Provider Location
End of browser session Essential Zengenti Ltd and Amazon Web Services Uk Limited External
nmstat This cookie is managed by Siteimprove and is used to help record your use of the website. It is used to collect statistics about site usage such as when you last visited the site. This information can then be used to improve the user experience on the website.
Expiry Category Provider Location
999 days Statistical Siteimprove Ltd External